Monday, August 30, 2010

Read-a-Thon Wrap Up

I ended up reading Mockingjay, Nightshade, and Sin Undone which is pretty good. I still have Matched and Incarceron on my list (among many others), but I'll get to them eventually.

A big thank you to everyone who entered my Pick Your Perfect Couple challenge, I had a blast seeing all the different pairings you guys came up with! After plugging all the numbers into, the lucky winner was:

Tina of Tina's Book Reviews



  1. At least you got to read some awesome books. I want to read all three of those.

  2. What did you think of Mockingjay? My thoughts are all over the place on it. Sin Undone is next on my list after I finish Rogue.

  3. sounds like you did pretty good! I finished mockingjay yesterday, whew, what a rollercoaster!

    I'm interested to see what you think of Incarceron!
